Economy Hajj & Umrah Packages

Budget friendly & luxury package for a convenient hajj and umrah journey to the holy makkah & madinah for muslim brothers and sisters.

About Us

At Al Reefat Tours

We believe that every Hajj & Umrah is a new experience waiting to unfold. We are committed to providing exceptional and unforgettable travel experiences for our valued customers. Whether you're a seasoned traveler seeking a new thrill or a first-time explorer eager to embark on your dream vacation, we have the expertise and dedication to make your travel dreams a reality.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple yet powerful -

To create extraordinary Hajj & Umrah experiences that inspire, enlighten, and connect people from all walks of life. We strive to exceed expectations by offering personalized services, unparalleled customer care, and a wide range of travel options to suit various preferences and budgets.

Personalized Approach

We believe that no two travelers are alike, and as such, we create personalized travel experiences tailored to your interests, preferences, and budget.

Trust and Reliability

With years of experience in the industry, we have built strong relationships with our partners and suppliers, guaranteeing a smooth and reliable travel experience.

Safety and Security

Your safety is our top priority. We work with reputable partners and adhere to strict safety standards to ensure your wellbeing throughout your trip.

Transparent Pricing:

We offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees, allowing you to plan your travel with confidence.





Affordable Hajj packages for muslim brothers and sisters.

Hajj packages will be updated very soon.


Affordable Umrah packages for muslim brothers and sisters.

Exclusive Package Highlights

Air Ticket


All Meals



Umrah Visa


Affordable Ziyarat packages for muslim brothers and sisters.


In addition to our tours and travel services, we also offer a range of other exciting options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few important points for the guidance and consideration of those fortunate people who are going to perform Hajj this year.

1. How do I choose the right tour operator?

Well! you are on the website of a right tour operator. Further more you can double check, if your tour operator has achieved the below mentioned points

  • Is the tour recognized by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India?
  • What is the quota to take Pilgrims for Hajj allotted to it from the Ministry last year and this year?
  • How many bookings has it made so far and where do you stand in the queue?

Please bear in mind that only tour operators duly registered are permitted to take pilgrims as per quota allotted to them. Visas are also issued strictly on the basis of quota sanctioned. So the tour operator cannot exceed the limit set by the quota allotted. Unregistered tour operators either buy visa from others & dump additional financial burden on the pilgrims or worse, cancel the entire tour vanishing all the hopes of the pilgrims.

2. What kind of accommodation should I be looking out for?

In the main season where millions of people from all over the world have gathered its utmost important to have a hotel that makes you feel at home. Do look out for the following facilities your hotel may provide.

  • The type of lodging that will be provided in makkah muazzama Mukarramah i.e. in Hotels, Apartments, Buildings, or Villas
  • Is the accommodation near or far from the Haram?
  • What is the rating of the hotel / apartment ie 5-Star, 4-Star, 3- Star or no star?
  • The number of lifts available as against the number of people staying?
  • Does the accommodation have a dining hall, if not where will the meals be served?
  • Will the Laundry be taken care of, or there are separate charges to it?

3. Laundry Services

Keeping your cloths paak and clean is of prime importance and hygiene. Kindly look out for the following points.

  • Is the Tour operator providing free laundry Service?
  • The laundry service is unlimited or in the form of coupons?
  • If coupons, how many coupons are provided?
  • This is to ensure that coupons given by the tour operator are not exhausted in washing only the Ehraams.

4. What do you mean my Shifting and Non-Shifting Hajj Package?

Non Shifting Style Hajj Package
Your stay shall be facilitated in a luxurious Hotel very close to the Haram all throughout the period of Hajj which provides maximum comfort and minimizes hardships. Many of our past clients have said it results in maximum Ibadat.

Shifting Style Hajj Package:
Shifting style package which nowadays is a choice of many tour operators consists of stay far from Haram during the peak season of the Hajj for reduction of cost. The distance can vary from 3 k.m. to 10 k.m. The Hajis stay near the Haram after or before the Peak Season, which is before 1st Zil Hijjah & after 15th Zil Hijjah. This type of Package is called Aziziah or Shifting Package.

  • You should be certain whether your accommodation is in a hotel or in apartment or a villa?
  • Will there be beds or mattresses in the room?
  • How many people will share a room?
  • Is the bathroom attached or shared between many rooms?
  • How close will a taxi drop you and then how much to walk to reach Haram or your accommodation

5. Actual 5 Days of Hajj

The climax events of the entire journey undertaken for Hajj are the Five days of Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah. These are the most important days when the pilgrim passes through a never before experience of staying in Tents and on Plain ground. To ensure its smoothness the pilgrims should thoroughly check the facilities offered by the Tour operator.

  • What is the name & number of Moallim & how far is the tent from Jamarat ?
  • Is any responsible, experiences representative of the tour operator physically present with you all through your Days in Mina & Arafat or is he just periodically visible?
  • Will you get the tent numbers for your stay in Mina in advance?
  • Will the tour organizer help you in getting space or will you have to adjust yourselves in the Tents?
  • During your stay in Mina, will there be provisions for Food, Beverages, and Mineral Water etc taken care of?
  • During the 5 days of Hajj who is responsible for transportation? Moallim or the tour organizer?
  • If it is the Tour organizer then what are the facilities offered?
  • For the transportation during Hajj i.e. makkah muazzama-Mina-Arafat, how many Hajis shall be accommodated in each Bus and will you get a chance to sit inside the bus or travel standing or even worse, on rooftops.
  • Will each bus have group leader to guide the Hajis?
  • While performing the Rami at the Satan will the Tour operator accompany you in a group or you will have to manage your own affair? (this avoids getting lost in the crowd)
  • While going around for Ziyarat (Tawaf-e-Ziyarat) does the Tour organizer keep food arrangements at both the places i.e. in makkah muazzama Mukarramah as well as Mina?
  • After completing the Hajj rituals, on your way back to makkah muazzama from Mina, who will carry your luggage?

6. Airlines

  • Which Airlines are you going to travels on?
  • Is your flight to Jeddah or Madinah Munawwarah direct or with a Stopover? If it is with a stopover, how long will the stop be?
  • If the halt is longer, do you get a hotel stay or will you have to wait & tire yourself at the Airport lounge?
  • Will your departure and return journey tickets be confirmed?
  • Will the return journey from Madinah Munawwarah Munawwarah be in a direct flight or you have to unnecessary travel back to Jeddah by bus?

7. Medical Facility

In case of illness,

  • Will a qualified physician & any medical facilities be provided?
  • Will the tour operator carry with him sufficient Medical provisions i.e. Medicines of General use?


Perform Hajj and Umrah continually, for these two remove poverty and sins just as the furnace removes impurities from metal.


"Real Stories from Satisfied Customers: Hear What They Have to Say!"


Drop us a message and we'll get the best deals for you.


Nagar Road, Malganga Complex,

Opp. PDCC Bank, Alaphata,

Pune, Maharashtra

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+91 9975 0567 67

+91 9545 4377 86

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Monday - Friday

9:00AM - 05:00PM